Alliance program-Collaborate as education partners-Qtech

Educational Alliance Programs

Qtech Solutions Inc, Canada offers education alliance programs. partnering with Colleges and Universities. These partnerships are established by signing term agreements between two parties to establish goals, and to construct a plan of action for the achievement of the college goals to support junior, senior and graduated students plan their career advancement. Business-education partnerships with Qtech-Sol serve business and industry by providing in-service and online training on student-directed projects. These programs focus on preparing students to meet in-demand jobs towards clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, drug safety, clinical data management and healthcare areas. These training includes conceptual job focused learnings needed to meet current job market. Few programs are software driven focusing on pharma sales, marketing, data science, analytics and reporting areas. We expect an educational institution to forge a mutually beneficial relationship with Qtech-Sol in areas towards career development and pathways that benefits their students. These alliance programs build relationship to helps both parties achieve their desired learning outcomes by sharing values and resources.

Develop Personalized Learning

Qtech-Sol partners with educational institutions to develop personalized learning to their students to overcome the challenges for finding job after their graduation. We offer numerous tools for students to get prepared with new skills required to current jobs as hired by pharmaceuticals, research hospitals and clinical research organization (CRO). We offer feasible solution by developing training courses customized to individual needs based on their educational background. Online courses provide students to have more options for choosing a career pathway that meets their needs, abilities, finances, and personal preferences. Educational institutions that want to remain competitive with other partner with us to accommodate this need by offering programs that focus more on certification and skill attainment. Educational institutions and Qtech-Sol work together to promote this personalized learning by making it a priority for both students and teachers. Educators can gather data to help them support learning that is flexible and meets the needs of all individuals. And teachers will be provided with the tools and access to Qtech-Sol LMS material to help all students succeed.

Provide Customized Training

Qtech-Sol and educators (Colleges and Universities) will plan and provide customized training to their students in order to address the challenge of adapting to the economy's changing employment needs. Qtech-Sol will discuss with colleges staff on this growing market by creating personalized training that directly meets a college’s requirements. Personalized and specialized training will be imparted by way of training seminars, conferences, home study programs, and course material as e-books on contemporary topics. This allows Qtech-Sol to address the specific needs of each student groups and help them for job readiness, allowing them to apply for promising jobs that meets their education and skills gained. Customized training can be delivered right at the college’s facilities or by providing online access to Qtech-Sol material and take classes from home, not to disturb their current schedule meeting college curricula and assignments for graduation.

University Alliance Programs

Our University Alliance Program offers variety of tools and learnings required for students interested in the healthcare or clinical research career pathways. Who is looking to add some more practical experience to their resume? Depending on the education level of your student, we have a program that will help ease them into the career pathway. Best designed to help them succeed.

Student Introductory Program (For Freshman Students)

Designed for freshman students who may be undecided, our Student Introductory Program gives the student a glimpse into the more practical aspects of the clinical research field, and the approaches of the training offered.

Career Pathway Program (For Sophomore Students)

Our Career Pathway Program is designed for sophomores in the STEM fields, looking to define their career field more closely. We will help them choose the career pathway that is the best fit for them and outline the steps they need to take to succeed.

Certificate Training Program (For Junior Students)

Once your student has chosen the right career pathway for them, the next step is making sure they’re certified for their intended career. Our Certificate Training Program will help junior students get a step ahead so that they’re better prepared for the working world.

Vocational Domain Program (For Senior Students)

Finally, as seniors are preparing to graduate, our Vocational Domain Program is designed like an internship, giving them real world working experience on many of the practical concepts in the clinical research field.

If you’re interested in client partnership, please fill out the enquiry form below. We look forward to working with you!